channel count DMX dimmer "packs" for LEDs
Celestial Audio
manufactures hardware for dimming control of LEDs through DMX.
These products allow for the first time cost-effective high channel count installations of
single LEDs or LED clusters/strips/bars (up to 8 Amps), controlled
from any DMX signal source. Lighting consoles, standalone DMX
sequence players, small embedded computers, laptops, anything that
can produce DMX can control a lighting installation of nearly any
Drawing upon years of custom electronics and installation designs,
these two products target high-power LED clusters/strips (or any DC powered device - motors,
solenoids, EL wire inverters, lasers, etc.) and single to several
LEDs per channel low-power designs.
Unlike many pro-lighting distributors these products are designed,
manufactured, and supported by Celestial Audio in the USA.
Advice and consultation for your particular application and
customized variations of these products can be designed.
DMX-32 (version 2):

For high-current (up to 8
amps per channel!) applications, the 32-channel DMX-32 V2 is available
for $299. This board can run thousands of LEDs as well as
anything DC powered. For high efficiency, low-heat, long-life
lighting LEDs are unmatched, and a single board can run 32 high
wattage monochrome clusters/strips/bars or 10 high wattage RGB
clusters/strips/bars with smooth, precise color mixing and
theatre-quality dimming.
DMX-48 (version
discontinued March 22 2011, however a limited quantity of
used units are available at discounted price, please inquire:

For low-current (20mA per
channel) applications with one to several LEDs per channel, the 48-channel DMX-48 is available for $199
(discontinued). This board is ideally suited for small-scale
displays that need many separately controlled LEDs. Run 16 RGB
LEDs from one board! Simple wiring and simple power
requirements make this great for sophisticated accent lighting and
interactive displays.
For more information and specifications including wiring diagrams
for each of boards please see their respective webpages.
General DMX / LED information
Not sure if this is what you're looking for? Questions
about LEDs, power supplies, wiring, and DMX control hardware and
software? Looking for suppliers for various parts of your
project? An ever-expanding collection of resources is
below. Please ask questions!
Power supplies
DC supplies typically needed for installations using the DMX32:
Low-current DC
supplies for use with the (discontinued) DMX48 - either cube
plugged into the wall style "wall-warts" or laptop-style
"tabletop supplies" - can be obtained from many places.
Note that inexpensive "wall warts" may have an unregulated
output, the the output voltage can be several volts higher than
specified. These are not recommended.
LED sources
LEDs are available in a fairly incredible variety of form factors
and power levels. Creating LED lights from single LEDs
requires a bit of knowledge of forward voltage drop range, current
limiting, and series/parallel wiring. There are numerous
pre-made LED lights that run directly from a specified voltage
(often 12V), for these just hook them up and go. If you have a
particular LED you'd like to use, email for advice.
- SuperBrightLeds
- L.C. Led
- H.B. (In
China. Very cheap, modest minimum order, single LEDs and
- Electron (In
Prague. individual LEDs with parametric searching, LED
- US LED Supply (lots
of LED rope lights/strips)
- LED Liquidators
(LED flex, lots of dimmable bulb replacements)
- Environmental
Lights (LED flex, in the USA)
- Eco Light LED
(LED flex, in USA)
- LEDtronics (a good
selection of 12V bulbs)
- The LED light
(individual LEDs and a variety of bulbs that run on 12V)
- LED light
(numerous 12V automotive direct replacements - very handy)
- LED Lighting (in the
UK - LEDs on flex and rigid)
- LED supply
- EffLED
- Oznium (Ribbon, strips,
modules, automotive-oriented so most products work with DMX32
- More LEDs
- The
LED Museum has a long list of suppliers
- JS LED Power
- Ebay (try searches like
"LED bulb", "LED white", "RGB LED strip", etc.)
LED technical
DMX equipment sources: computer interfaces,
software, standalone DMX players, consoles, etc.
- Enttec: USB to DMX
interfaces, Lightfactory software, standalone players
- FreeStyler: free
DMX sequencer and website has a long list of DMX interface
manufacturers (under Download -> interfaces)
- A good
list of Links to DMX software
- Doug Fleenor Design: all
sorts of DMX stuff
- Lanbox: Controllers and
dimmer packs
- Brookshire
Software: inexpensive show control software and standalone
DMX player, with CompactFlash media, audio out, and IR remote
- SunLite:
Sequencing software and standalone DMX playback & interface
- KissBox: DMX interface
for Ethernet
- ELC: Playback units
with remote control, interfaces with Ethernet
Solutions: all sorts of DMX to... you name it hardware
- Swisson:
DMX splitter, merger, show recorder
- SIRS Electronics: an
Enttec distributor, wireless DMX, a variety of stuff
- Gilderfluke: a few
DMX dimmer packs and show-control systems
- Alcorn McBride:
High-end show control systems
- Interactive
Technologies: More high-end show control gear; wireless
- Ebay (try searching for
"DMX" and click on "DJ Gear & Lighting" category)
DMX technical : wiring, recommended practices, etc.
DMX setup howto/walkthroughs and D.I.Y.
sources for the electronically / programatically